Autism Diagnosis

An Autism Diagnosis Can Be Difficult To Cope With,

But You Are Not Alone!

Most cases of autism are

diagnosed between

the ages of 18 months to three

years of age.

      Most parents do not know that 

behavior their child

is doing could be a sign of Autism or

that they are developing the


There is no medical test to diagnosis Autism, no blood test,

no biopsies, or CT scan, just behavioral tests that all ask

which Autism Signs your child is showing.

An Autism diagnosis starts with a parent knowing the

signs of Autism and specially trained physicians and

psychologists administering autism-specific

behavioral evaluations. Because we as parents,

and my son's doctor did not know the signs,

we had to go through a process of elimination

to narrow down what was going on.

After six months all we had were high medical bills and

more questions than answers. One day a friend of

mine mentioned that she thought my sons

hand flapping  was a behavior of Autism.

I would like to share this video from youtube, it is very emotional

to watch if your child has ever been diagnosed with Autism.

You want to cry with these parents, laugh with them,

and rejoice with them. 

My son was 14 months old when I really began to worry. I made a doctors appointment and that lead to having his hearing tested, to running several medical test to no prevail for the root cause of his symptoms. As a parent you feel helpless, scared, and lost. Why was my son not talking yet? Surely at this age he should be at least saying momma or daddy. Why is he not crawling around or pulling himself up? Why do all these doctors not know what is wrong? We wasted a lot of time ruling out other conditions waiting for a positive blood test, EKG or a CT Scan that could tell us something. Continue reading

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Autism speaks web site gave me answers that even my doctors

didn't have. An Autism Diagnosis can be very difficult for us

parents to hear. You grieve for the child you always

wanted and can be left feeling overwhelmed and lost with

the one you have.

If you are Coping with Autism and the impact of an autism diagnosis

then know that you are not alone! The more educated as a parent

you are the easier parenting Autism will become. Autism

awareness is growing because more people are sharing their

experiences that are leading to earlier diagnosis and treatments

with a better quality of life for all people with disabilities!

My point of view is coming to you from a parent who had to

fight for a diagnosis instead of focusing on early treatment,

which hurt my child.

With an autism diagnosis comes daily struggles, being strong enough

to tackle them comes down to your attitude. Whether it is fighting

with doctors over the diagnosis, the board of education over your

child's goals and objectives, or the neighborhood bully and his not so

understanding parents about autism.

Every parent who has ever shared their journey with autism with me,

I have learned something from it and applied it to help my own child.

I have heard mistakes, that parents have made, the things they have

done that worked, and been reminded by their struggles that we are

not alone. But what I have learned is, it takes

Attitude to raise Autism!

Autism Diagnosis (Top Of Page)

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