Autism In Toddlers

What does Autism in Toddlers look like?

How old should a toddler be when they take their first steps?

What age should toddlers be talking?

Most cases of Autism aren't diagnosed until the

child is 18 to 24 months old. Most Autism Signs have

become apparent by the time you have reached the 

Toddler years. The two major delayed milestones that

make most people set the first doctors appointment,

 Delayed Speech  and delayed walking.

A parent can no longer deny that something is wrong when

their friend's 16 month old child can run up and down stairs but

their child is still hanging on to the

couch for dear life!

Notice the behaviors such as lining up toys, stacking blocks, rocking

head back and forth, and other repetitive behaviors of Autism

in toddler in this video.

Here Are A Few Signs Of Autism In Toddlers

13 Months,

Can not pull self up to a standing position
Can not get into a seated position
Does not wave bye-bye
Does not indicate wants in other ways than crying

14 Months,

Does not stand alone without help
Can not follow one word commands without any prompting

 15 Months,

Still has trouble walking on their own
Does not speak at least two words
Does not point to a desired object
Can not identify one body part
Has trouble using a spoon or fork

16 Months,

Does not imitate anything
Can not scribble on their own with a pen, crayon, etc..
Will not play kick ball, or toss a ball
Doesn't seem to hear well

17 Months,

Does not drink from cup
Does not help remove or put on an article of clothing
Can not point to picture and identify a cow, pig or dog, etc...
Will not bath self in the bathtub

18 Months,

Does not "play pretend" to feed baby dolls or does not "play pretend to crash" cars
Seems hyperactive and out of control
Runs circles but will not play a game of chase
Does not seem interested or curious about people entering or leaving a room

19 Months To 24 Months,

If your child is not talking up a storm by now, its delayed speech
If your child is not walking without being clumsy
Still has trouble dressing themselves'
Will not help clean up or put away toys

Before we knew our child was autistic I had spent thousands of

dollars on toys through his life. Just waiting on the one toy

that he would play with the appropriate way. By two months

babys can already pick rattles up and shake them, by nine

months a baby can throw a ball.

My son was 13 months old and still couldn't throw a ball or

catch one. Autism In Toddlers  becomes more noticeable by the

time you realize there are several things your child should

be doing but is not.

While other toddlers were sliding down plastic slides and playing in sand boxes, I couldn't get my child to walk up the little steps. All he would do with the slide was try to crawl up it the wrong way, slip, bust his lip open a hundred times and want us to pick him up and place him at the top so he could slide down. That's A Lot of work as my sons nickname was "Baby Titan" back then! As new parents to autism, we had no idea how to show him what he was supposed to do with the slide after he didn't understand it the first few times of us showing him.
Continue Reading

Learn the Early Signs Of Autism and what Autism In Toddlers looks

like. Research shows that the earlier you can get a diagnosis

of Autism, the better your child's Autism Prognosis will be.

For more information look at the Autism Symptoms Checklist,

or the Autism Signs.

If you suspect that your child might be delayed, then it is already time

to make a doctors appointment. When dealing with Autism a"wait and

see approach" is not the best thing you can do. It could cost you

the most valuable time you have with your child.

Autism in toddlers (top)

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