Autism Signs

Is your child showing Autism Signs?

Do they have lack of eye contact, a speech delay,

or just aren't reaching certain age appropriate milestones?

What age do babies start saying mommy and daddy?

What age should babies be able to sit up on their own?

Should my baby be crawling yet?

How old should a toddler be when they take their first steps?

When do you know that your child has a speech delay? 

When my baby never lifted his own head

or even attempted to roll himself over,

make eye contact or smile back at me

by eight months I was pretty sure that

my son was delayed.

got a book about the Stages Of Child Development

and started taking notes of the milestones that typical children

his age were hitting and comparing them with where my child was.

Take a look at The Autism Symptom Checklist for a quick

reference of the signs of Autism.

For a more comprehensive list of delayed milestones

and what to look for in babies The Early Signs of Autism

and Autism In Toddlers.

We were in denial about the lack of eye contact, ignored the

Delayed Speech and justified to ourselves all the milestones

our child was truly missing. Looking back the Early Signs of Autism

had been there in front of us since the first few months

of his life. We had missed the simple things he just wasn't

even attempting to do.

There were so many things that my son didn't do that I was pretty sure my other kids had been doing at a much younger age. By nine months my son still could not sit up and clap his hands together. He would lay on the floor doing what my family and I thought was him waving at us... for long periods of time...and then some.. and then some more. "Boy this kid loved waving" is what we would tell ourselves. I have since realized this is known as hand flapping and my son was not actually waving at us at all, but at least he was excited to see us!

By one year, I was well aware that my child was not quite

keeping up with all the other little kids his age.

Looking back, I remember how much I worried over these

small inabilities. That fear, or concern, ever increasing,

I knew something was wrong but what it was I had no idea.

It feels like we ran circles around ourselves just trying to rule

out other disabilities.

Once the doctor said those words your child has Autism, we knew

he was right. It wasn't what we wanted to hear, it was the

hardest thing we have ever had to listen to.

As one of our questions was Finally answered we now

had so many more unanswered.

If you suspect that your child is showing Autism Signs,

please talk to your child's doctor about it. The sooner you

know the sooner you can get help and learn what to do about it.

The two things I would change, if I could, would be the

lack of knowledge, and the denial of Autism that robbed

my child of earliest possible intervention.

There is no medical test to Diagnosis Autism, no blood test,

no biopsies, or CT scan, just behavioral tests that all ask

 which Autism Signs your

child is showing.

An Autism Diagnosis starts with a parent knowing the Autism Signs.

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